OSAC Apave Aeroservices offers certification services for Management Systems: ISO 9001, EN 9100, EN 9110 and EN 9120. Created to meet the needs of companies, OSAC Apave Aeroservices's Certifications Department provides assessment and certification services required to carry out various activities, implement processes, and certify the conformity of organizations in a voluntary framework.
OSAC Apave Aeroservices: an accredited certification body
The certification of management systems allows organizations to demonstrate the performance of their organization.
By meeting normative requirements, certification helps to reduce malfunctions and to continuously improve the efficiency of companies.
OSAC Apave Aeroservices is a third party organization, accredited by COFRAC for ISO 9001 : 2015, NF EN 9100 : 2018, NF EN 9110 : 2018 and NF EN 9120 : 2018 (accreditation n° 4-0605 - scope available on the website www.cofrac.fr), recognized and independent, thus reinforcing the value of your certification according to the requirements specified in ISO 9001, EN 9100, EN 9110 and EN 9120.
An experience and an unequalled recognition in the aeronautical sector: OSAC contributes since the beginning to the safety of the whole aeronautical sector, in partnership with the various authorities: Ministry of the ecological and solidary transition, DGAC (General Directorate of Civil Aviation), GIFAS (Group of the French Aeronautical and Space Industries), QUALIFAS (Quality of the Supplies for the French Aeronautical and Space Industries).
OSAC Apave Aeroservices relies on a network of qualified auditors and examiners, both internal and external, spread over the national territory.
The will of OSAC Apave Aeroservices is to :
- to satisfy the demand of its customers in a spirit of partnership and continuous improvement,
- to guarantee the durability and the value of the awarded certificates, through the quality of the evaluations carried out and the certification mark.
OSAC Apave Aeroservices' offer
If you wish to be part of a management system certification process, OSAC Apave Aeroservices offers you a range of services in the field of quality and performance, particularly in the aeronautics, space and defense (ASD) sectors:
- ISO 9001
- EN 9100
- EN 9110
- EN 9120

These certification services are provided by OSAC Apave Aeroservices under COFRAC accreditation (in accordance with ISO 17021-1) for the certification of management systems. Accreditation no. 4-0605 - scope available at www.cofrac.fr.
Consult the General Conditions of Certification.